Get dedicated server-level performance with competitive, affordable prices in the most popular locations around the world with Cloudzy.
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Created VPS
You can count on us to provide you with the best hosting solutions possible. Our primary mission here is to bring you the most convenient way to use hosting services, with decent quality at a reasonable price, great performance, guaranteed uptime, and security and we have reached this goal until now; Cloudzy has been awarded for being one of the Top 25 VPS Hosting providers by Hostadvice.
We offer a diverse selection of Linux distros on offer, and you can choose to get any one of them on your Cloudzy VPS. Some major distros, like Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS are available as one-click installs that can be used again and again. With our direct root access, you can run their installation yourself, getting just the packages and components you want.
Explore Cloudzy's VPS hosting solutions and choose one that best suits your needs. Contact us and we will help you find the perfect fit for you!