
 After upgrade the Windows does not shows the upgraded drive size.

If you had done an upgrade from a smaller plan to a bigger plan first please make sure you have...

 Create a new windows user.

If you are wondering if you can have more RDP users (which yes you can) and unsure of how to make...

 Do I have full access to the VPS OS?

At Cloudzy, We offer our Windows hosting solutions with full Administrator access. Having...

 How to Reload or Reinstall the VPS OS?

In this guide, we want to show you how to Reload or Reinstall the VPS. You can re-install your...

 How to connect to my Windows VPS?

How to connect to a Remote Desktop on Windows By default, all Windows PCs and Windows Servers...

 How to have GUI on a Cloudzy Linux VPS

How to Install and Configure GUI on a Cloudzy Linux VPS If you need to use GUI on your Linux...

 How to reset VPS password? (Windows and Linux)

One of the tickets we get a lot is about losing the Operating System password. Especially...

 How to use VNC and VNC troubleshooting

Either you have lost access to your VPS server and you want to connect to the server and fix it...

 Why my Windows VPS is extremely slow?

We get a time-to-time complaint about VPS slowness and it is interesting that 95% of the time is...